For passion-driven entrepreneurs and transformational leaders:


Say GOODBYE online wallflower
... HELLO online sensation!

Visibility Marketing Bootcamp
for Passionate Entrepreneurs
Ready to SHINE Online!

Finally! Get the bulletproof confidence, systems and strategies you need to put yourself “out there” online in a BIGGER way and make the difference you came here to make. Plus, walk away with an entire month of awesome online content planned.

Finally! Get the mindset, strategies and tools you need to CONFIDENTLY promote yourself and your business online! 

Ramp up your visibility, engage your dream clients, and grow your income with easy-to-implement and intuitive self-promotion tips, tricks, tools and tactics that WORK
backed up by real-life advice and feedback every step of the way.

Yes, you really CAN get the bulletproof confidence, systems and strategies you need to put yourself “out there” online in a BIGGER way―and get the success and recognition you deserve!

This program is for YOU if:

You have a BIG mission―and you know it’s time for you to step into the spotlight to make the difference you came here to make

And you’re SO ready to INSPIRE, MOTIVATE and move your dream clients to ACTION


The thought of promoting yourself and your business online makes your mind go blank (and your palms go sweaty)

Looking at your poor, neglected and unloved social media accounts makes you feel a bit like a wicked step-mother

Sitting down to plan your next month’s promo content brings on a sudden and uncontrollable urge to unstack the dishwasher

Complicated tech is your personal kryptonite: your inner superwoman goes completely awol and the forces of darkness threaten to rule forever (Mwa-ha-ha-haaa!)

You secretly worry how you’ll EVER get your ducks in a row and start getting the attention, engagement and exposure you need to grow your business and engage your ideal clients.

If that sounds anything like you, you are NOT alone!

TRUE CONFESSION: this was 100% me too…

It’s second nature to me now, but when I first started marketing online…I was massively intimidated by “putting myself out there.”

For years I felt hesitant, out of my depth and overwhelmed by the “what, which, when and how” of promoting myself confidently and consistently online (and when I did try, I had impostor syndrome BIG time).

Meanwhile, even though I knew I was missing the boat on the biggest, most lucrative free marketing opportunity on the planet

…I just couldn’t seem to get my act together.   🙁

Unlike the familiar faces I saw effortlessly rocking their online presence in my newsfeed, I’ve gotta say…it NEVER felt intuitive or easy for me.

Stepping up and becoming truly VISIBLE online felt intimidating as hell:

What should I SAY?

What should I FOCUS on?

How could I SHOW UP consistently?

What if I made myself look FOOLISH?

How could I keep track of all the CRITICAL puzzle pieces (without massive tech overwhelm)?

Maybe you’ve been wondering some of the same things.

And because it felt SO confusing, I’d veer wildly between panic-posting the first thing that came to mind (NOT my most brilliant moments, it has to be said)… and procrastinating like crazy. Ditto.

One month I’d show up with a big burst of content creation and activity. The next month it would be radio silence while I scrambled to find more inspiration, direction and mojo.

Like so many business owners, although I absolutely KNEW I needed to be more visible online, I felt out of my depth and overwhelmed when it came to the day-to-day-reality.

It was SO frustrating.

So what changed?

You know how they say that sometimes you need to learn what DOESN’T work for you… before you can figure out what DOES?

Well, I was a bit like the very hungry caterpillar (stay with me)…


In my quest to overcome my frustrating lack of online visibility I ate through one content creation workbook, two spreadsheets, three workshops, four networking groups, five content coaching sessions and a ton of other stuff that DIDN’T work…

…and I was still hungry!

Worse,  I was STILL procrastinating fully showing up online as much as ever – and feeling more frustrated than ever. 🙁

I found out that I did NOT respond well to left-brained workbooks, spreadsheets and complex planning systems. They made my head ACHE.

So then I ate through one nice, green leaf and felt much better.

Haha, not really!

THEN, at last I figured out a simpler, more intuitive online self-promotion system that worked MUCH better for a right-brained, visual, passion-driven type of entrepreneur like me (and maybe you, too).


I started calling my new system Visibility Marketing: 


 (confidently and consistently showing up, right inside
of your dream clients’ newsfeed/inbox)


(having something relevant and valuable to say
that gets them interested in what you do)

Finally, I had the concept and framework I needed to become THAT entrepreneur…

…showing up regularly, sharing my passion with ease and confidence, attracting attention from all the right people… and feeling like I was (at last) sharing my true message and vision.

“Visibility marketing” became my #1 way to connect with, engage and sign up dream clients I ADORED. 

From online wallflower… to online sensation.

That’s what I want for you.


That’s why I’m so excited to share the details of the “OWN Your Brilliance” visibility marketing bootcamp

It’s specifically designed especially for passion-driven entrepreneurs like youtired of sitting on the sidelines, fed up with feeling like a “best kept secret,” and ready to step up and fully OWN your brilliance online.

In just 4 weeks you can radically uplevel your online visibility to reach out, engage and connect with the beautiful people you KNOW you are supposed to be helping.

  • Playing small

  • Best kept secret

  • Waiting on the sidelines

So, here’s what you’ll get inside “OWN Your Brilliance”

In our fun, interactive, live weekly sessions, we’ll systematically build the foundation for YOUR high-visibility, confident and irresistible online visibility marketing presence.

Together, we’ll cover the essential mindset principles you MUST master to show up consistently, authentically and compellingly online.

And critically, I’ll be sharing with you all the real life, lets-get-sh!t-done tips, tricks, tools and tactics I use to make a big impact online and engage with high-paying clients I ADORE.

…so you can confidently get into inspired action, put yourself out there  and make the difference you came here to make.

I’ll be with you each and every step of the way. Expect a highly interactive training― ask your questions, get custom advice, and receive real time feedback (from someone who genuinely cares).

People who’ve attended my trainings before will already know that I’m a big over-deliverer. 😉


TRUTH BOMB: If your energy is off, you’re targeting the wrong audience, or your message doesn’t “land”… then all of your efforts and intentions are for nothing.

Our first week together lays the solid foundation for your confident and charismatic debut. It’s about getting CRYSTAL clear on your motivation, market, difference & message.

Without these crucial building blocks in place you can show up all day, every day with the best of intentions…but leave folks scratching their heads and wondering what the heck you’re talking about.

Not on my watch.

So, in this session we’ll be covering:

The 4 keys to craft an insanely inspiring and motivating personal vision statement that encompasses ALL that you want to be, do and have (no more “fake it ’til you make it” affirmations that don’t fool anyone, especially your subconscious mind!)

My foolproof 11-step formula to get precision clarity on your ultimate ideal client avatar, once and for all. (Seriously, this is the BOMB! If you’ve ever struggled in this area, you will LOVE this fail-safe formula… guaranteed.)

The secrets of crafting a compelling message your dream clients can’t resist .

How to clearly and easily tell people what you doin a way that instantly lands and gets them saying, “Tell me more!”

The ultimate 10 minute scheduling hack that sets you up for your best, most irresistible energy each and every day (because your energy is what you’re REALLY selling, right?)


Now that you’re crystal clear on the foundational elements of confident self-promotion, I’ll share my personal list of easy, super intuitive tools & systems that actually WORK for right-brained entrepreneurs like us.

In session two we’ll be covering:

11 quick and clever hacks to set up your computer to save time, minimize effort and avoid headaches

How organize, optimize and structure your new tools and systems for maximum ease, speed and convenience

A complete rundown of my super simple live video broadcast setup… so you can roll out unforgettable live video broadcasts whenever you need, without breaking a sweat. Boom!


This week you’ll have fun unleashing your creativity

The smart, fastest way to create your bottomless vault of inspiring, on-point topics (never be stuck wondering what to say again!)

My foolproof photoshoot planning rules that ensure you get DAZZLING photos for your marketing every time

Gather a handy list of your most frequently used emojis and favorite emoji combos that give your posts and bios a dash of added snap, crackle and pop… and are recognizably YOU! ✨🤸‍✨ 

Brainstorm your unique, on-message email sign-off to give all your mail a touch of added brand personality & pizazz.

This will be a highly action-oriented and powerful session you will love!

SESSION #4: GET Prepped

This week you’ll be prepping like crazy…

Craft your killer social bios that call in your dream clients and give them a tantalizing taste of your brilliance.

(If you’ve ever thought you’d rather stick pins in your eyes than try to figure out how to get your awesomeness across in 80 characters or less… then this is for YOU. 

Create your swoonworthy “expert title” that gives you instant credibility, inspires your ideal clients to raise their hands, and stands OUT from the crowd of boring, heard-it-too-many-times titles that send people to sleep.

(e.g. lifestyle coach, business mentor, retreat leader, public speaker, etc… just NO!)

Plus, I’ll cover everything you wanted to know about hashtag research and usage but didn’t know who to ask… 

…including the quickest, easiest way to do find the best hashtags for your business, when and where to use them for maximum impact, and even how to create and use effective custom hashtags of your own.

Best of all…

You get the whole shebang for one easy payment of $750!

Yes, you read that right!

You’ve been around…

…you almost certainly realize that there is literally nothing else on the market that will give you this level of insights, ahas, tools and strategies you need to confidently promote yourself and your business online (with real-life advice and feedback all the way) at a price even remotely like this.

But since this is the first time I’m running this program, plus, I LOVE working in real time with passionate entrepreneurs, I wanted to make the price a complete no-brainer!

So,  get yourself registered and come join the fun (before I regain my senses and the price goes up).

But that’s not all: I also have
for You!


Everything you get in
OWN Your Brilliance Bootcamp:

4 fun and fast-paced, live weekly calls with Kerrianne (all calls are recorded so no need to worry if you miss one)

The critical mindset habits you need for confident and charismatic self promotion

Precision clarity on creating your ultimate ideal client avatar

How to craft the compelling message your dream clients can’t resist

How to tell people what you do…in a way that instantly lands and gets them saying, “Tell me more!”

Craft your inspiring and motivating personal vision statement covering ALL you want to be, do and have

Set yourself up for your best, most irresistible energy each and every day

Organize, optimize and structure your new “toolbox” for maximum ease, speed and convenience

Create a bottomless vault of inspiring, on-point topics

Photoshoot rules to ensure you get DAZZLING photos for your marketing every time

Roll out unforgettable live video broadcasts whenever you need, without breaking a sweat

Craft your killer social bios

Create your swoonworthy “expert title” that stands OUT from the crowd

Find the best hashtags for your business and use them for maximum impact

Plan out an entire month of awesome online content… ready to roll out to your favorite platforms

Ask questions and get feedback on your ideas in real time

PLUS these Awesome Bonuses:

Custom name graphic (to add unique flair to your online sign-off, emails, website, etc.)

Give your social posts an awesome algorithm boost as part of our “social media support pod”

Twenty-minute 1:1 laser coaching session―pick my brain on ANYTHING you want.. no topic is out of bounds

With “OWN Your Brilliance Bootcamp,” at last YOU will have the bulletproof confidence, tools and systems to go ALL IN on promoting yourself and your business, the way you’ve always known it deserved.

*The 1:1 laser coaching session alone could give you an insight that adds thousands of dollars to your bottom line.

* Plus there’s my 100% money back guarantee. Come to the course and see for yourself if this program is right for you.

If it doesn’t do everything I say and more, you have nothing to worry about because you can get every penny of your money back with my no-quibble guarantee. If you contact me before the second session goes live, and let me know why it’s not working out for you… you can get a full refund. No questions asked.

So you truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain. All the risks are on me.

about me…

I’m a former fashion designer turned entrepreneur and visibility marketing strategist, working with passion-driven business owners, ready to show up and SHINE online.

Since 2012, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to build an attention-grabbing, instantly recognizable online presence… that positions you as a premium player in your niche (and attracts high-paying, dream clients like bees to honey).

Hi, I’m Kerianne…

Since 2012, I’ve helped hundreds of entrepreneurs like you to build an attention-grabbing, instantly recognizable online presence… that positions you as a premium player in your niche (and attracts high-paying, dream clients like bees to honey).

From vivacious red lipstick to her vibrant smile… the moment I met Kerrianne I knew she was a good fit for me and my business.

From start to finish, she was full of brilliant ideas and always a step ahead of the curve. Kerrianne will exceed all your expectations!

Gina Vincent

My favorite thing about working with Kerrianne is how she ‘gets’ you – it’s a gift.”

 She really listens and then helps you  bring to life an even bigger vision of what you can achieve than you can see for yourself.

Alison Kenyon

Kerrianne helped me interpret my dreams beyond what even I had imagined

“If you want and need the right balance between the exquisite and getting the sale, Kerrianne will help you create the magic that makes it happen.

Mozella Perry Ademiluyi

NO MORE hiding―it’s time for you to SHOW UP for the difference you’re here to make!


Q: Kerrianne, who is this program for?

This is for you if:

You’re just starting your business and you KNOW you need to establish a high-visibility online presence to reach your impact and income goals right out of the gate…

You have a growing business and you realize NOW is the time for you to step up your online visibility so you can compete on a level playing field with the movers and shakers in your niche

You’ve known for some time that you need to radically step up your online visibility but you weren’t sure who to turn to or what to do about it until now…

You’re tired of wasting time playing a smaller game than you’re worth and you’re ready to “Show up and SHINE Online!”

If you answered yes to any of the above, then this is the PERFECT program for you!

Q: What if I'm a start-up? Should I still sign up?

Absolutely YES! You’ll learn the ins and outs of building a head-turning, high visibility online presence from the ground up―so you can call in your dream clients and get them saying “Hell yeah!” to your offers.

I’ll teach you the shortcuts and must-haves to create an authentic online presence that “sparkles and fizzes” with your unique energy and gives you the rock-solid confidence to put yourself out there like a seasoned pro.

Around half of the group tends to be start-ups.. please let me save you the time, money and frustration that comes from trying to figure out how to do this on your own!

Q: I'm an experienced business owner. Is this program for me?

Most definitely! If you’re ready to step up to the next level and play with the A-players in your niche, then a high visibility online presence is a MUST.

I’ll help you identify the critical elements you need to uplevel to confidently promote yourself and your business… while looking and sounding every inch the superstar you truly are.

And it’s not only about dazzling your dream clients… I’ll be sharing advanced strategies to make your online visibility the fast-track to high-end JV partners, lucrative promo opportunities and high profile speaking gigs.

Q: How long is the program / what are the session times / will there be replays?

This fun, fast-paced 4-week program is broadcast live on Wednesdays at 10-11am Pacific / 1-2pm Eastern/6-7pm UK.

All sessions are recorded (*if you can’t attend live, feel free to submit your questions in advance so you can listen to answers in the replay).

Our agenda:

      ֍ Week #1: GET Clear
      ֍ Week #2: GET Organized
      ֍ Week #3: GET Into Action
      ֍ Week #4: GET Your Groove On, Baby!

Right after registration you’ll receive a link to session #1 in your confirmation email.


Q: Kerrianne, who is this program for?

This is for you if:

You’re just starting your business and you KNOW you need to establish a high-visibility online presence to reach your impact and income goals right out of the gate…

You have a growing business and you realize NOW is the time for you to step up your online visibility so you can compete on a level playing field with the movers and shakers in your niche

You’ve known for some time that you need to radically step up your online visibility but you weren’t sure who to turn to or what to do about it until now…

You’re tired of wasting time playing a smaller game than you’re worth and you’re ready to “Show up and SHINE Online!”

If you answered yes to any of the above, then this is the PERFECT program for you!

Q: What if I'm a start-up? Should I still sign up?

Absolutely YES! You’ll learn the ins and outs of building a head-turning, high visibility online presence from the ground up―so you can call in your dream clients and get them saying “Hell yeah!” to your offers.

I’ll teach you the shortcuts and must-haves to create an authentic online presence that “sparkles and fizzes” with your unique energy and gives you the rock-solid confidence to put yourself out there like a seasoned pro.

Around half of the group tends to be start-ups.. please let me save you the time, money and frustration that comes from trying to figure out how to do this on your own!

Q: I'm an experienced business owner. Is this program for me?

Most definitely! If you’re ready to step up to the next level and play with the A-players in your niche, then a high visibility online presence is a MUST.

I’ll help you identify the critical elements you need to uplevel to confidently promote yourself and your business… while looking and sounding every inch the superstar you truly are.

And it’s not only about dazzling your dream clients… I’ll be sharing advanced strategies to make your online visibility the fast-track to high-end JV partners, lucrative promo opportunities and high profile speaking gigs.

Q: How long is the program / what are the session times / will there be replays?

This fun, fast-paced 4-week program is broadcast live on Wednesdays at 10-11am Pacific / 1-2pm Eastern/6-7pm UK.

All sessions are recorded (*if you can’t attend live, feel free to submit your questions in advance so you can listen to answers in the replay).

Our agenda:

      ֍ Week #1: GET Clear
      ֍ Week #2: GET Organized
      ֍ Week #3: GET Into Action
      ֍ Week #4: GET Your Groove On, Baby!

Right after registration you’ll receive a link to session #1 in your confirmation email.

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